Saturday, June 15, 2019

Day 3 - Nearly to Jasper

I was up early to have a shower this morning. Showering in a swaying train requires some organisation. Then up to the dome car for a while before breakfast. The scenery is flat plains on both sides. 

We had to stop for more freight cars. 

Our intended stop was at Saskatoon. Because we had made such good time during the night we were ahead of schedule and had to hang around in Saskatoon for 2 hours.

There was not much there. Not many passenger trains from here.

This was the view from the back of the station. It is mainly a freight station.

More crops!

In the afternoon we listened to the musician who is travelling to entertain the guests. Later we went to a wine tasting and I investigated the prestige cars at the back of the train.

The country side changed when we moved into Alberta.

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