Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Canada Day and our goodbye

Don woke me at 5ish this morning!! Just when I wanted as much sleep as possible because of our flights tonight. We hung around in our room after our morning coffee and checked out around 11.00 leaving our bags at the hotel.

It was a lovely sunny day so we walked downtown and went to the Vancouver Art Gallery.

There we took in an art tour about Alberto Giacometti. We saw an old British film showing him at work. The tour guide showed us the stages he went through till he reached the style he is most famous for.

One of his earlier works.

We saw some of his most famous works.

These figures look substantial but are.....

very thin when seen face on.

We sat outside and ate up most of the food we had left -yummy peas, cherries and raspberries. We did not see much sign of Canada Day celebrations except a few people dressed up in the red and white.

Finally we picked up our bags and headed down to the train to the airport. I thought this was a good sign!

The sun is setting on Vancouver.

And we are sitting waiting for our 11.00 pm flight to New York.

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