Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Rest day in Florence; or the big shop!


The syndicalist collective met for breakfast outside and made plans for the day. Start by meeting out the front at 9.30 and Brenda would lead the way.

With Brenda, John, Marilyn, Judith, Tanya and Julie we went first through the Mercator Centrale, which is like the Victoria Market. Tanya took over the lead in guiding us.

Then we went to the Medici Chapels. There was one Leonardo battle painting and a Michelanglo sculpture for a Medici tomb. Julie peeled off and went shopping. Then there were 7.

On the way to the leather market at the Piazza Di Mercator Nuovo, I met this Spensley Street family. What a surprise! They were off to the Uffizi gallery.

When I caught up with the others we negotiated the bulk purchase of leather wallets, with Jude driving a hard bargain.

Judith and Tanya decided to go off shopping. Then there were 5. Don was tired (one step up), so rested on Brenda for a while.

Our next stop was Santa Croce, a gothic church founded in 1294. It has many masterpieces of both paintings and sculpture.

Along the walls and on the floors are many monuments to famous Italians.

Galileo ...

Leonardo ...

Liberty (actually this monument has a sculpture believed to be the inspiration for the Statue of Liberty in the USA).

... And Michelangelo.

But wait! Lovely frescos of the stories of St. Francis by Giotto.

Illustrated manuscripts.

And a pleasant garden within the cloister.

Leadership does require planning, however.

While Don strolled through the crypt.

After a lovely lunch we walked to the Ponte Vecchio across the river Arno. After checking out our new hotel, we looked at jewelry, since the only things on the Ponte Vecchio were jewelry shops.

We wanted to go to the Boboli gardens but you had to pay the full price that would allow you to see other museums, as well so we decided to go back. Marilyn wanted to buy boots so John, Brenda and Marilyn left. Then there were 2!

After buying an extra small suitcase for all our presents we walked back and met John, Brenda and Marilyn having drinks near the hotel. 5 again!

New arrival Lisa joined us for dinner, with tales of her Roman holiday.

- Posted the very same night! Mock not ye of small faith!

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