Thursday, September 19, 2013

Final days in Florence!

IT WAS WITH A STRONG SENSE OF FOREBODING that we took to the streets one last time.

Today we saw two museums in the morning. First we visited the Bargello Museum. It is world famous for its statue and weapon collections.

These owls were part of a group of bird sculptures that used to be in a grotto.

This wooden Jesus is believed to be by Michelangelo.

An amazing ceramic Madonna and child.

Our next visit was to the Basilica of Santa Maria Novella. Yet another green and white marble building, it dates back to the mid-14th century.

There are many frescos, telling stories from the bible and the lives of various saints, painted throughout.

The Spanish Chapel, formerly a Dominican chapter house, has frescos showing St Thomas Aquinas combating heresies and the like.

A final salad for lunch, plus a final panna cotta for Sue. No milk in those!

Our final visit was a brief return to the Medici Chapels. Don wanted to find the war scene painting by, or based on one by, Leonardo, which he had seen earlier.

The looked for painting -- based on a cartoon of part of a much larger painting which was abandoned. A book explaining all is on the way from Amazon...

We went out for dinner and enjoyed a very Italian meal ... from the big antipasto platter to the caffe affogato. And chianti classico.

On our way back to the Hotel we walked through the Palazzo Della Signoria for the last time. We sat and listened to a street guitarist and watched people go by and the moon come up.

- Posted as we depart for Rome and thence to Argentina

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