Sunday, August 22, 2010

Mongolian countryside

One of our nights in Mongolia was spent outside UB, at a small holiday camp run by a local family. Sleeping quarters were the gers used by many Mongolian families still, although there were only two beds in each, and no central fire or cooking or work spaces -- but how authentic do you want to be?

We were accompanied by our local guide, popularly known as Nemo, a doctor currently finding it more rewarding to travel round with Intrepid tourists than to work in the hospital system -- and very useful when it came to David's burns.

Walk up hills surrounding the camp, checking out the wild rhubarb (it had to come from somewhere, so why not Mongolia?) and edelweiss etc.

Woken by horses grazing around the gers. Some adventurous folks went off for a horse ride, after having examined the wound carried by one of the noble steeds -- made by wild wolves a few weeks previously. The ride was, of course, an extremely tame walk along the road, rather than a tough forest trail, although Brad Pitt's presence was some compensation.

Near-complete inadequacy in the archery competition, delayed till the next day due to a very limited supply of arrows. Championship points awarded for grazing the tail of the yak skin target.

Hot weather continues, with only modest falls in temperatures at night. Much better than -40C and two metres of snow but ...

Back in the city, Amsterdam cafe was a backpacker haven and wifi heaven, allowing some blog updates before we leave for Beijing.

- Posted with prospect of a hung Parliament

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